Hadithi za KNOB Digital: “My life journey Unfolds with Purporse and Passion,” Collins Bobby
“Guided by leadership, my life’s journey unfolds with purpose and a passion for making a positive impact”
Bobby Collins Odhiambo, welcome to Hadithi za KNOB digital. For the longest time, his journey has been driven by leadership. He has participated in debate clubs, leadership forums, and NGOs, demonstrating his commitment to making a positive impact in his life.
Bobby currently works for a private company called BUNTWANI Waterfront Park Management as the events manager. He works to conceptualize the events that involve coming up with concepts for the actualization process, working with different organizations, stakeholders, and events to make sure that their plans are in the interest of whatever they are looking for.
It all started during his second year on campus, where he volunteered for the Kenya Unites organization, Kenya Unites, an NGO under Global United States, that works to spread peace globally, particularly in countries experiencing conflicts. Pressan, a peace ambassador from Sri Lanka, wanted to help spread peace during election periods in Kenya. It is through such programs that Peace in Kenya was and has been achieved. All this was aimed at addressing ethnic divisions and promoting a peaceful environment. This initiative has since then been instrumental in promoting peace in the region.
Volunteering in an organization aimed to foster productive leadership among youth and promote peace among coastal regions and the country, was one of many privileges I enjoyed. As a hardworking individual, I embraced the organization’s goals and aimed to contribute positively to the organization’s objectives. The organization has been instrumental in my journey, guiding me across various regions, and ensuring my role as a peace ambassador was effective.
After Bobby’s third year on campus in 2018, he was elected through majority votes. As a peace ambassador, He worked with a dedicated team in the organization, representing the entire county and ensuring a harmonious environment for all involved. The work and skill of Bobby became more identical, demonstrating his ability to deliver results with an aggressiveness that was evident within the organization. Currently, Bobby is the county coordinator in Kenya and is still working in the coastal region, connecting various counties and ensuring effective coordination and cooperation.
_We are inspired by Bobby’s dream, the urge, and the passion he has to build, uplift, and empower his fellow youths in society. As the top digital marketers in the Coastal region of Kenya, we are committed to creating more platforms for such ambassadors and we hope through our initiatives, we shall succeed in creating 500 jobs, and 1000 referrals and impacting at least 20,000 young people by 2030. See more here, Hearing more from Collins, does not only offer online mentorship programs for young leaders who are opting to become leaders in society, but he has also incorporated the youths with knowledge in Digital space to exercise their skills. Whenever there are opportunities he connects the youths who are trying to come up in the industry.
At KNOB DIGITAL this is what we believe, working with great minds, Bobby brings one of them will, We believe in creating opportunities for young people aged 18-35 by creating over 500 jobs by Vision 2030. We believe in connecting people to these opportunities, both directly and indirectly, and extending our reach to the community. We believe that people can depend on our expertise, such as graphic designers, to work abroad. By consistently providing jobs, we aim to create a more sustainable and successful workforce, ensuring that young people are not just workers but also leaders. Set up a meeting!
What are the challenges Bobby faced while working at Kenya Unites
“During my time as a student and in the employment sector, academic and employment demands were overwhelming due to deadlines, time commitment, and high stakes..
Some of these challenges involved managing classes, assignments, and exam preparation while also assuming leadership responsibilities. Delivering results was a priority, as the entire team relied on him for leadership. But that didn’t pull him back …
Apart from Kenya Unites, Bobby is a fitness enthusiast motivated by a desire for self-therapy, He joined the gym in 2017, At first, he started off with a fitness routine with a focus on muscle building and progressing through a therapy program. Results started coming up, and more opportunities arose, He became a coach in Powerfit 360 Kilifi, where he worked for a couple of months
But that was not all; Bobby owns a fashion collection ( Bobby’s collection) named after Bobby, which is used for branding purposes. The collection specializes in fitness, fashion, and catering to various events and occasions.
After completing my campus studies, I decided to create my brand. This was after selling clothes and seeing great potential in the industry, I decided to brand myself as Bob’s collection, focusing on designing male customer suits.
Feel free to Contact Bobby at 0715963813 for order placement, access to updated catalogs, and more…
In conclusion, Collins, a young man, inspires many young people through his journey of patience, endurance, and leadership. He believes that everyone has their time to shine and that focus and determination are key to achieving one’s dreams. He encourages others to be bold and persistent in their pursuits.
Welcome to Hadithi za KNOB DIGITAL. For millenniums, humans have told stories to connect, relate, and weave imaginative truths that enable us to see one another more clearly with compassion and courage, that is why, through this initiative we target to tell stories from a different point of view, your point of view, learning and understanding the struggles we take to get to the top, that needs to be heard, talk to us and Dont Stop Being Bold!
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